Monday, February 6, 2017

Kenmore Classroom Building

The lawn in front of the Kenmore Classroom Building on BU's East Campus is a beautiful green space, but in the winter it takes on an empty quality. In the summer and spring the trees and flowers give it some content, but even then the huge green-spaces on either side of the path have ample space for a sculpture of some kind.

This area is a great place for people to just go sit out on the grass when the weather is nice, so I'm envisioning an installment that is interactive in that people can sit on or around it. It would also work best if it were in a natural theme so that it reflects the location it is in as one of the most lush, green areas on BU's campus (not so much in the winter, but in the spring). 

This location is right at the edge of campus so any installment would add to the overall image of BU's campus by emphasizing the art present on campus.

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